WP User Frontend Pro

Do you have big dreams for your business, like offering a membership service or including guest posting or event registration, but lack the complex coding knowledge you need to make those dreams a reality? Well, the people at WordPress hear your struggle, so they’re offering up a plugin that’ll fulfil all your frontend needs of a website without any coding whatsoever in today’s product showcase. Today we are talking about WP User Frontend Pro, a frontend dashboard, editor, and uploader for WordPress to create user profiles, post submissions, memberships, and more in just a few clicks and without any coding.

Now, getting started with WP User Frontend Pro is as easy as installing the plugin in WordPress and upgrading to the Pro option. On your left side menu, you’ll see all the things you can create, like registration forms and subscriptions. If you want to activate modules like Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Stripe, and more, hit the Modules tab to activate using API keys.

You can also choose other tools like User Analytics and Private Messaging to upgrade your site and business. With WP User Frontend Pro, anything you need to create, from a coupon to a subscription service website, is completed using one easy form and just a few clicks. Let’s say you want to create a Registration Form so people can sign up for your service. Drag and drop all necessary fields into the Live Preview, then use Settings to determine redirect links, entry limits, and even the form’s appearance, plus other useful options.

You can also enable GetResponse and MailChimp. Once you’re satisfied, create a new post and use the shortcode or Gutenberg tool to publish the form. Then, you can return to the editing tool to grab the profile shortcode, which you can use to publish the form for your registered users, so they can edit their profile at any time! That’s not all it can do. WP User Frontend Pro will help you easily create guest posting with pay-per-post features or a subscription pack system, which you can configure to create unlimited packages. You can show or hide specific content, such as posts, forms, or menus, to certain users to manage privacy and the exclusiveness of your different content. Plus, if you run an online market but don’t want to use a backend to upload your products, WP User Frontend Pro is here to the rescue. Upload products to your shop from the frontend effortlessly. They’ve also got your back if you want to create a site of classified ads like Craigslist, a social networking site, or turn your website into a lead generator by creating forms and contests.

WP User Frontend Pro can really perform wonders on your website. If you want to fulfil your frontend needs without messing around with backend coding, then you need to get your hands on WP User Frontend Pro.
I am Calvyn Lee, a Digital Marketing Trainer. I love to share great Digital Marketing Tools, if you interest on this topics, you are cordially invited to join my private FB group: Global Digital Marketing Expert
Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.