3 Tips to keep your coffee fresh
You’ve probably noticed my previous articles, 5 tips to have a great coffee at home, you know that coffee freshness does matters. But are you wondering why it really matters with coffee when come to freshness?
Coffee is actually a fruit, and when in its raw form, before roasting, it can store for months, even years!

However, as soon as coffee beans are roasted they’re brought to life — just like fresh bread out of an oven. This is when the staling process begins, and over the coming days the aroma and flavor fades.
Sure, air tight bags and containers can help, but like bread, the staling process can not be prevented or reversed. Furthermore, storing your coffee in the fridge or freezer causes the coffee to pick up moisture, doing more harm than good.
So, how can we ensure that we only fuel our bodies with fresh coffee?
Here are 3 tips to keep your coffee fresh, for enjoying coffee at the peak of its flavor:

1. Buy local roast to order coffee
Don’t buy coffee that’s been sitting on a shelf with a use by date of 12 months! Look for those coffee that has a ‘Roast On’ date and try to buy it within a few days after it roasting.
Support local roasters as they are the only ones who can supply truly fresh coffee. Anything imported is guaranteed to be weeks old already.
2. Get less coffee more frequently
Instead of stocking up, just buy one small pack at a time and consume it as close to roast date as possible.
Sound a bit inconvenient? Yes I know that, I use to stock up a few month coffee supplier earlier, but you may look for local coffee who make it easy by conveniently. with subscription method, they sending you one pack at a time of freshly roasted coffee, example weekly, or twice a week or even monthly, at any interval that suits your needs.

3. Grind your own beans
When coffee is ground, the surface area exposed to air is greatly increased, speeding up the staling process.
Get your own bur grinder and grind just enough coffee right before you brew your cup. The aroma of freshly ground coffee is a wonderful experience in itself!
Well, hope this 3 tips to keep your coffee fresh help you to enjoy your coffee the peak of its flavor. I am Calvyn Lee, a Digital Marketing Trainer also a coffee lover, hope to share you more coffee tips in the future! If you wish to know more about coffee, reply do comment below, I will try my best to share more about my coffee thought in the future.
Originally published at https://calvynlee.substack.com.